Lincoln Day Dinner

lincoln-dinner-invite{THIS EVENT HAS BEEN SOLD OUT}
To be placed on the WAIT LIST… you MUST
call Rachael at ph: 561 686-1616.

Join us Friday March 6th at The Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach.

Sponsorship Levels are as follows and can be purchased directly on this page.

All event details can be found on the Lincoln Day Website

Single Ticket
2 tickets, recognition in the event program.
$1,500 per person seated with Elected Officials
LINCOLN  – $2,750
one table, recognition in event program
BRONZE – $5,000 
one table, preferred seating, 1/2 page in Tribute Journal, Four tickets to VIP reception, recognition in event program
SILVER $10,000
one table, preferred seating, six tickets to VIP Reception, Full Page in Tribute Journal, recognition in event program

GOLD – $15,000
one table, preferred seating, eight tickets to VIP Reception, Full Page in Tribute Journal, recognition in event program

one table, preferred seating, VIP Reception,  Inside Back Cover in Tribute Journal, recognition in event program